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The Wit and Wisdom of James Joyce: Celebrating His Birthday

James Joyce was an Irish writer and poet who was born on February 2nd, 1882 in Dublin, Ireland. He is considered to be one of the most influential writers of the 20th century and his works, including “Ulysses” and “Dubliners,” are celebrated for their modernist style and innovative techniques. Today, on the 141st anniversary of his birth, let’s take a look at some of Joyce’s most popular Irish quotes and his legacy as a writer.

Joyce was a master of the English language and his writing was characterized by his innovative use of stream-of-consciousness narration, unconventional syntax, and his unique style of dialogue. He was also known for his love of Ireland and the use of Irish idioms and expressions in his writing. This love for his homeland is reflected in many of his quotes, which are often insightful and thought-provoking.

What is James Joyce most famous for?

Ulysses, the novel for which Joyce is best known, did not see publication until 1922. The novel, which takes place completely on June 16, 1904, or what is now commonly referred to as “Bloomsday,” is a psychological analysis of Leopold Bloom as he goes about his day in Dublin.

Best Quotes from James Joyce

One of Joyce’s most famous quotes is, “When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart.” This quote speaks to his deep love and affection for his birthplace, which he often referenced in his writing. Dublin was an integral part of Joyce’s work, and he used the city as a backdrop for many of his stories, including “Dubliners” and “Ulysses.”

Another popular quote by Joyce is, “I’m a citizen of the world, but Ireland is my mother.” This quote highlights Joyce’s cosmopolitan outlook, but also his deep connection to his roots. Despite his travels and experiences in other countries, Joyce never lost touch with his Irish heritage, which was an important part of his identity.

Joyce was also known for his wit and humor, and his quotes often reflect this aspect of his personality. One of his most famous quips is, “A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.” This quote is typical of Joyce’s humorous, yet insightful, approach to life, and his ability to see the positive side of even the most difficult situations.

In addition to his writing, Joyce was also an accomplished poet, and his poems are known for their lyrical quality and use of imagery. One of his most famous poems, “The Dead,” is a masterpiece of modernist poetry and is widely considered to be one of the greatest pieces of Irish literature.

In conclusion, James Joyce was a writer and poet of exceptional talent, whose legacy continues to live on today. His innovative writing style, love of Ireland, and wit and humor have inspired generations of writers and artists. As we celebrate his birthday and his life’s work, let’s take a moment to remember and appreciate some of his most popular Irish quotes, which continue to captivate readers to this day.


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Celtic Holidays, Claddagh Rings, Irish Jewelry, St. Valentine's Day, Travel Ireland

What is Dublin’s Valentine’s Day Connection?

The city of Dublin serves as the capital of the Irish Republic and is located on the east coast of Ireland at the mouth of the River Liffey. Home to Dublin Castle built in the 13th century and the towering St. Patrick’s Cathedral was established in 1191. Both of these structures are considered historic buildings. St. Stephen’s Green and the enormous Phoenix Park, which is home to Dublin Zoo, are both examples of city parks in Dublin. The National Museum of Ireland is dedicated to examining the history and culture of Ireland. But did you know Dublin is also the home of St. Valentine’s relics where engaged couples venture to get their wedding bands, hopefully, Celtic wedding rings blessed? 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church towers over Dublin City Center. Thousands pass it regularly, yet we bet most don’t know the building’s renowned historical personality. You’d probably answer Saint Patrick, but it’s another Saint you generally don’t identify with within Ireland. It is Saint Valentino the patron saint of lovers

Where exactly in Dublin might one find the remains of Saint Valentine?

Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin is home to the relics of Saint Valentine, who was executed for his faith and later beheaded. Every year on February 14 and in the days and weeks preceding Valentine’s Day, tourists swarm to the shrine of St. Valentine which is located in the Carmelite Church on Whitefriar Street in Dublin.

A Look Back at the Origins of Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine was a Roman priest who was executed in the year 270 A.D. for marrying couples against the wishes of the emperor, who had prohibited marriage in order to ensure that he had enough men to maintain his troops strong. Saint Valentine is known as the patron saint of love as well as beekeepers.

A couple of hundred years later, on February 14th, a feast day was established in honor of Saint Valentine by Pope Clement V. However, it wasn’t until much later that St. Valentine’s Day became so closely connected with romantic love.

On Valentine’s Day in the 18th century, our friends from North America promoted the practice of exchanging modest gifts, chocolates, and letters with one another. The adoption of this method did not occur in Ireland for another approximately hundred years.

Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a secular holiday all throughout the world, and the custom of celebrating the day with greeting cards, presents, and other expressions of love is widespread.

But how did Ireland come to be identified with Saint Valentine, who is considered to be the patron saint of love?

The History of Saint Valentine’s Arrival in Dublin

In the year 1835, the Irish Carmelite priest known as Father John Spratt was given the opportunity to preach in Rome. Because the villagers were so impressed with his oratory, the Pope bestowed upon him a number of unusual symbols of gratitude, one of which was a collection of holy relics. After returning to Dublin, Father Spratt presented these presents to Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Whitefriar Street. The church is located in Dublin. There are even presents that have Saint Valentine’s own preserved heart!

Relics of this kind are revered by those who follow a religion. And despite the fact that a sacred heart would seem like an item that would be difficult to misplace, this relic was misplaced and wasn’t found again until the 1940s. The heart is currently kept in a prominent location in the Church, where it is guarded by a golden box and can be viewed by anybody who is interested.

Valentine’s Day Blessing of the Rings

And to this very day, on February 14 of each year, betrothed couples in love continue to visit the chapel in order to get a unique and special “blessing of the rings” for their wedding.

Irish Gifts for Valentine’s Day

Perhaps this year you won’t be able to make it to St. Valentine’s Basilica, but you can still celebrate the romantic holiday by giving your loved one a thoughtful Irish gift steeped in meaning and tradition instead. Even the most difficult-to-please Valentine’s heart may be won over by one of the many exquisitely designed pieces of romantic Irish jewelry that we have available in our large collection.

Why the Claddagh Ring makes a great Valentine’s Day Gift

The Claddagh is a hallmark of Irish culture that may be found all over the world. The Claddagh ring is the ultimate symbol of enduring love and affection. One of the most popular choices for a promise ring is the Irish Claddagh, which was designed after the ancient Roman “Fede” and medieval Gimmel rings. Love is represented by the heart, friendship is represented by the hands, and loyalty is represented by the crown.

Interesting Stories, Irish Recipes, Irish Traditions, Travel Ireland

How to Pour and Drink a Pint of Guinness

Pouring a pint of Guinness is an art form. Despite appearances, a pint of Guinness is not easy to pour and consume. Every time you pour a pint of Guinness, you follow a certain ritual that you learned from your grandfather. If you don’t go about it in the correct way, not only will others look down on you, but your pint will be subpar as well.

How to Pour a Perfect Pint of Guinness

When it comes to pouring a perfect pint of Guinness, there is a tried and true procedure that has been authorized by the brewery. And then there’s the somewhat different approach used by bartenders in Ireland. There is also a standard, speedy way of pouring a regular beer that is utilized by most bartenders worldwide; some of them even serve Guinness without the traditional “2 part pour,” which is shocking to many beer purists.

  1. Pouring a pint of Guinness into an authentic Guinness branded glass should take 125.27 seconds and the glass should be used just for pouring Guinness.
  2. The glass should be tilted at a 45-degree angle with respect to the tap’s spout, which should be kept near to but not in contact with the glass.
  3. Each Guinness glass has a harp design at the base, and the liquid level should reach that mark when the pour begins. Without hesitating, the tap must be pushed straight down.
  4. The glass should be filled to the top edge of the harp symbol, or three-quarters to the top of the glass itself, with a little straightening of the glass when pouring.
  5. The pint has to be allowed to settle, which is the most important step. Brownish in hue, the liquid will have the appearance of clouds churning and ebbing inside it.
  6. After a minute or two, this will settle and darken completely. If you want your glass to be perfectly full, you should fill it by carefully pushing the tap in the other way. This is what makes the foamy top. If there is any foam that has to be removed from the top to prevent spilling, you will need to begin the process all over again.

A guide to enjoying a Pint of Guinness.

The act of consuming a Guinness is just as ritualistic as the act of pouring it. The first rule of drinking a pint that has been poured in two stages is that you should wait until the bartender has set it down before you take a sip.

It’s likely that the cloudiness returned when you were pouring the head, so you’ll want to let it settle once again. You should wait until the white and black lines have separated before taking a drink. That initial gulp should be substantial enough to get you past all that froth and into the rich black liquid underneath. This will keep the initial flavor from becoming very bitter.

If you want to leave around five or six rings of foam around the edge of your glass, you should drink the remainder of your pint in similarly large gulps. Finally, have fun with it!

An Overview of the Origins of the Guinness Two-Part Pour

The origin of the Guinness 2 part pour technique may be traced back to the 1930s when it was developed as a solution to an issue. There were both well-conditioned and poorly conditioned barrels of Guinness beer, with the latter being more mature and vivacious. Bartenders back then had to use beer from the low cask to fill a glass halfway before adding more beer from the high cask. Every bartender seems to have their own method for this very complicated procedure.

Guinness sought out Michael Ash, a mathematician-turned-brewer, in 1951 to help stimulate creative thinking. Gaseous nitrogen, which makes up about 75 percent of the air we breathe, was the clear choice for Ash because, as he put it, “it’s entirely inert.” That worked well for what I needed it for. In 1959, in honor of the brewery’s 200th anniversary, Nitro Guinness Stout was introduced after extensive trials and keg testing.

What is the official beer of St Patrick’s day?

Guinness is most likely the first drink that springs to mind when thinking of the most traditional beverages associated with Saint Patrick’s Day. Drinking an Irish beer really does seem like it should be a must around the holidays.

Toasting Your Pint of Guinness

Guinness themselves show off one of the most popular, honoring the rituals surrounding the perfect pint and ceremoniously greeting good health with the Irish term “Sláinte.” [Celebrating the traditions surrounding the perfect pint]
So raise a glass of Ireland’s most renowned brew, Guinness, and offer a toast to your health while using the Irish term “sláinte,” which literally translates to “cheers.”

Translating to “good health” in English, sláinte [try saying slawn-tche] is an Irish expression that derives from the word “slán,” meaning “healthy” or “safe”.


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What it Means to be Celtic

According to Oxford Languages the literal definition of Celtic is is relating to the Celts or their languages, which constitute a branch of the Indo-European family and include Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, Manx, Cornish, and several extinct pre-Roman languages such as Gaulish.

The Celts were a group of people who had their roots in the center region of Europe. They were characterized by their common culture, customs, language, and religious beliefs. It is generally agreed upon that the Celtic civilization began to develop sometime around 1200 B.C. Migration allowed the Celts to establish a presence over most of western Europe, including Britain, Ireland, France, and Spain. Their Celtic heritage is best preserved in Ireland and Great Britain, where remnants of their language and culture may be found even in modern times.

Would you consider Vikings to be Celtic?

Even though they are not strictly considered to be of Celtic origin, the Vikings had many characteristics in common with the Celts. The Celts and the Vikings were two distinct people groupings, notwithstanding the possibility that the Celts had some indirect impact on the Vikings. In the year 1000 BC, the two tribes lived in close proximity to one another and competed with one another.

What kind of religious practice is Celtic?

The religion of the Celts was polytheistic, and its adherents believed in a great number of gods and goddesses. Some of these deities were worshiped solely in a specific location or region, or by a single tribe, whilst the worship of other deities was more widely practiced across the Celtic world.

Which ethnic group are the Celtic people?

The term “Celtic” conjures up images of the traditional art, literature, and music of Ireland and Scotland when heard by contemporary ears. However, the ancient Celts were a dispersed ethnic group that had its roots in the center region of Europe. Take a look at what historians have discovered about this diverse and intricate assemblage of different tribes.

What qualities distinguish a person as Celtic?

The term Celtic is used to refer to persons who trace their ancestry back to one of the present Celtic territories located in the westernmost parts of Europe. Through the ages, each of these places has managed to preserve a significant portion of its original culture as well as its particular language.

If you’re Irish, do you qualify as Celtic?

Since the time of the Enlightenment, the word Celtic has been used to refer to a diverse range of peoples as well as cultural characteristics from the past and the present. Today, inhabitants of Celtic countries (the Bretons, the Cornish, the Irish, the Manx, the Scots, and the Welsh) and their separate cultures and languages are often referred to as Celtic, and the term “Celtic” is frequently used to characterize them.

What distinguishes Celtic culture from other cultures?

The ancient Celtic people were renowned across the world for their vibrant wool fabrics, which were the ancestors of the well-known Scottish tartan. Historians think that the Celtic people were one of the earliest people in Europe to wear trousers, despite the fact that only a few tantalizing shreds of these fabrics have survived the years.

Is Celtic pronounced Seltic or Keltic?

The word is often pronounced “Keltik” by those who are knowledgeable in Celtic history, language, and culture; nevertheless, sports fans call it “Seltik.”

How does one pronounce Celtic if you’re Irish?

The letter ‘C’ is usually pronounced “kuh” in Irish, Scottish, and Welch, among other Celtic languages; yet, the word Celtic is spoken with a strong ‘C’ sound.

What is Celtic Jewelry?

It is believed that the beginnings of Celtic jewelry stretch back to between the years 2000 BC and roughly 550 AD, during which time silver and gold were employed by Celtic artisans to produce wonderful jewelry that was embellished with Celtic motifs.

Although time has passed and the process of making Celtic jewelry has been refined, the representation and meanings of the ancient Celtic symbols remain prominent in the decoration of modern-day pieces. This means that while the styles may have changed, what remains very much evident is the significance. This is one of the reasons why charming and symbolic Irish Celtic Jewelry is so highly sought after and admired throughout the world.

Celtic rings, Celtic bracelets, Celtic pendants, Celtic earrings, Celtic brooches, Celtic charms, and a great deal more are all part of the delightful selection of Celtic jewelry that is currently on the market and offered by The Irish Jewelry Company. Celtic jewelry makes the ideal Irish gift because it is unique in its meaning, style, and its splendor.


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5 Important Celtic Crosses of Ireland

The Celtic cross is one of the most well-known Irish symbols and Celtic symbols. Other well-known examples are the Claddagh and the harp. They are significant reminders of our ancestry since they are steeped in history. It’s possible that their history, significance, and symbolism may blow your mind!

A minimum of sixty Celtic crosses can be found in Ireland, in addition to a number of ancient ruins. The majority of the Celtic crosses that are still in existence today were commissioned and built up until around the middle of the 12th century. After the end of the 12th century, hardly any new crosses were built, and this practice almost completely died out.

These magnificent crosses were often put up as boundary markers, such as at the intersections of parishes, or as memorials encircling monasteries, cathedrals, or churches. In certain cases, they were also utilized as a form of transportation. It is a common misconception that they were used as gravestones, although that was not the case. However, since the 1850s, modern crosses have seen an upsurge in favor of usage as gravestones.

The elaborate carvings that can be seen on many of these crosses add a great deal to their aesthetic value. The crosses’ fundamental form is not the only thing that makes them attractive. The degree of attention to detail and the high quality of the artwork are characteristics that are often reserved for priceless manuscripts like the Book of Kells.

What is the earliest known example of a Celtic cross?

Carndonagh, in County Donegal, is home to what is sometimes referred to as the Donagh or St. Patrick’s Cross. This cross is said to be one of the earliest free-standing stone crosses to have survived in Ireland. According to local folklore, Saint Patrick and his Irish missionaries established a church or monastery at this location sometime around the fifth century. One of the earliest examples of a Christian cross to be seen outside of mainland Europe, the St. Patrick’s High Cross, also known as the Donagh Cross, dates back to the seventh century. The stone, which formerly belonged to an early Christian monastery established by St. Patrick and can be located on Church Road next to the Carndonagh Community School, was removed at some point.

5 Important Celtic Crosses of Ireland:

  • The High Crosses of Kells, Co Meath
  • Celtic Cross of the Scriptures, County Offaly
  • Celtic cross in Drumcliffe, County Sligo
  • St. Patrick’s High Cross
  • Muiredach Celtic Cross, County Louth


The following are examples of some of the most significant Celtic crosses that can be found throughout Ireland. This brief list is not meant to be exhaustive; rather, its purpose is to provide a concise explanation of some of the crosses that are considered to be more noteworthy. If you can think of an important Celtic cross that we have neglected, by all means, please use the comment function at the foot of this page, and we will do our best to add information about the cross based on what you tell us.

The High Crosses of Kells, Co Meath

Monks from the monastery of Saint Colmcille on Iona have been credited for re-founding the Monastery at Kells in the year 804 CE. In addition to the Book of Kells, the town is well-known for the five High Crosses that can be found there. The Market cross is the fifth and most well-known of the crosses, and it is situated on the grounds of St. Columcille’s Church on the west side of town. Three of the crosses and the base of a fourth cross are also placed on the grounds of the church. At the moment, it may be found on the northern side of the old Navan Road, to the west of the old courthouse, at its original location.

The South Cross, also known as the Cross of St. Patrick and St. Columba, is regarded to be the oldest cross at Kells. It is the most well-known and well-recognized of all the crosses at Kells. Sandstone was used to sculpt this structure, which is 3.3 meters tall and made from a single piece.

The historic heritage of Clonmacnoise, Ireland

Celtic Cross of the Scriptures, County Offaly

Two whole High Crosses and the shaft of a third may be found among the various artifacts that were discovered at Clonmacnoise. The most well-known artifact, the Cross of the Scriptures, which is sometimes referred to as King Flann’s Cross, serves as the centerpiece of the recently constructed interpretative center. The monastic colony at Clonmacnoise was established in the sixth century and is comprised of the remains of a cathedral as well as seven churches and two round towers. Two high crosses are among the numerous ruins that can be seen in Clonmacnoise, and both of them are still in their original condition. Around thirty years ago, in order to ensure their continued existence, these two crosses were relocated inside of the interpretative center. Replicas of extraordinary quality have been installed in their former places outside the building. The Crucifixion is depicted in the middle of the Cross of the Scriptures on the west face of the structure. Other biblical scenes are also included.

High Cross of Drumciffe with sculptured panels of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Christ in Glory, the Crucifixion

Celtic Cross in Drumcliffe, County Sligo

This exquisitely carved High Cross may be seen at Drumcliffe, which is located in County Sligo. Saint Colmcille is credited with establishing a monastery at this location in the sixth century. The Cross was most likely made in the 11th century. The church and cemetery where W. B. Yeats is buried may be seen in the background of this picture.

St. Patrick’s High Cross

One of the earliest examples of a Christian cross to be seen outside of mainland Europe, the St. Patrick’s High Cross, also known as the Donagh Cross, dates back to the seventh century. The stone, which formerly belonged to an early Christian monastery established by St. Patrick and can be located on Church Road next to the Carndonagh Community School, was removed at some point. This gorgeously ornamented Cross is a fusion of old Celtic art and Christian traditions, as seen by its use of biblical themes. The Cross of Saint Patrick is regarded as one of the most significant early Christian relics in Britain and Ireland and may be seen in the town of Carndonagh, which is located in the county of Donegal. It occupies the site of an ancient church that was established by Saint Patrick.

Muiredach’s Cross, Monasterboice Monastery in southern Ireland. Celtic High Cross in the historic ruins of Monasterboice, an early Christian settlement near Drogheda in County Louth, Ireland.

Muiredach Celtic Cross, County Louth

This stunning example of Celtic design is widely acknowledged to be among the country’s most outstanding examples. The towering crucifix reaches a height of only a hair under 18 feet. It is largely agreed upon that Muiredach mac Domhnaill, the individual responsible for the building of the cross, is the source of the name of the cross. He died in 923.

The depiction of biblical events on the cross panels had a significant impact on the overall design of the instrument. In broad strokes, the east side of the structure is influenced more by the Old Testament, while the New Testament is more apparent on the west side. Additionally, there are a few panels the significance of which is not quite obvious.

Considering we sell a number of different Celtic Crosses in the shape of jewelry and other types of Irish gifts, we are often questioned about the components that make up a Celtic cross. We have high hopes that you will find this post informative and entertaining, and that you will take away something new from reading it. Maybe even make plans to visit this religious monument one day. They are truly a sight to see. We hope you enjoy our collection of Traditional Celtic Cross Necklaces and Unique Celtic Cross Pendants in Gold and Silver. Celtic Cross Jewelry is inspired by Irish and Scottish Heritage.


 Top 10 Popular Irish Blessings

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Top 10 Popular Irish Blessings

Throughout its entire existence, Ireland has maintained a strong connection to several religions, despite the fact that this connection has not been without its share of difficulties. Up until a very recent period, the church exerted a significant amount of control over a variety of facets of Irish society.

One of our most well-known cultural festival, Saint Patrick’s Day, is celebrated in remembrance of the individual who, in the fifth century, was responsible for introducing Christianity to the island of Ireland.

In everyday conversation, you’ll probably still overhear individuals saying things like “please God” or “thank God” out of habit. The reaction of shouting “Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph!” in response to a distressing incident is still, for certain people, a somewhat frequent response.

Another notion about the Irish that has endured for a very long time is that we are a friendly country. Despite the fact that Irish people and our views as a culture have changed through time, our country is still widely regarded as being among the most friendly and hospitable nations in the whole world. If you enter the home of an Irish person, you are going to be offered a cup of tea regardless of whether or not you want one.

In addition to this, we have a deep and abiding affection for writing and verbally. Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, and W.B. Yeats are only three examples of illustrious Irish authors who have contributed to the literary canon throughout the course of history. This love of words and aptitude for poetry and music, together with our deeply ingrained connections to Christianity and religion, has resulted in something that is truly unique: an infinite tome of Irish blessings.

When are Irish Blessings Said?

Irish blessings are typically said during wedding ceremonies, family reunions, and other similar get-togethers as well as other important events. Because so many blessings have developed throughout the years, there is now an Irish blessing to cover almost every significant event that might occur in a person’s life.

What do Irish Blessings Do?

The majority of Irish blessings revolve around the concept of looking on the bright side of a difficult circumstance or focusing on the good aspects of a pleasant event. Everyone is aware, in today’s modern world, of the necessity of maintaining a good mentality for both our mental and physical health. We are certain that you will concur with us that many of these Irish blessings were already doing this many years before their time.

What exactly does it imply when someone gives you the Irish blessing?

To donate something from your heart, your feelings, and good energy that has been synthesized in a written poem as well as a plea for divine intervention, a prayer, and a link to God is to give an Irish blessing.

Where do the blessings of Ireland have their start?

This benediction was originally a prayer from Ireland and was originally composed in the Irish Gaelic language, which is the native language of Ireland. It had been translated into English, just like so many other books and stories from throughout the globe. The fact that several words were translated incorrectly caused it to lose part of its authenticity; for example, “rise” should have been “succeed.”

Where did the tradition of giving an Irish blessing originate?

The Irish blessing is a folk and druidic ritual that was eventually translated for the new Christian age. It dates back to the ancient days of the Celtic people. A great number of them have been translated into modern English from the ancient Irish, and it has been hypothesized that Saint Patrick was the author of the most famous and influential blessing, despite the fact that this is not entirely accurate.

The following are ten of the most inspiring and lovely Irish blessings that we were able to uncover.

We really hope you get a kick out of these popular Irish blessings !!!

Top 10 Popular Irish Blessings

Irish Wedding Blessings

May you have love that never ends,
lots of money, and lots of friends.
Health be yours, whatever you do,
and may God send many blessings to you!

May God be with you and bless you.
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness.
From this day forward.

By the power that Christ brought from heaven, mayst thou love me.
As the sun follows its course, mayst thou follow me.
As light to the eye,
as bread to the hungry,
as joy to the heart,
may thy presence be with me,
oh one that I love,
’til death comes to part us asunder.

May your joys be as bright as the morning, and your sorrows merely be shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.

May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet, enough trials to keep you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to keep you happy, enough failure to keep you humble, enough success to keep you eager, enough friends to give you comfort, enough faith and courage in yourself to banish sadness, enough wealth to meet your needs and one thing more; Enough determination to make each day a more wonderful day than the one before.

Irish Travel Blessings

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

May good luck be with you Wherever you go, and your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow.

May your days be many and your troubles be few, May all God’s blessings descend upon you, May peace be within you, May your heart be strong, May you find what you’re seeking wherever you roam.

May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been
the foresight to know where you’re going
and the insight to know when you’re going too far.

Saint Patrick’s Breastplate

The most well-known Irish blessing is reported to have been written on Saint Patrick’s breastplate, where it is believed to have originated from its namesake, the patron saint of Ireland. It is a very lengthy poem, so either Patrick was a giant or it was never put on a breastplate at any point; in reality, the concept that it was inscribed on a breastplate is probably more of a term to represent the fact that these were the principles he kept dear to his heart.

There is no evidence to suggest that Patrick really authored this poem personally; but, it does include his ideas and philosophies. The second-to-last stanza of the poem is the one that is most often cited, however the complete poem is included below for your convenience.

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.

I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism,
Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

I arise today
Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In the prayers of patriarchs,
In the predictions of prophets,
In the preaching of apostles,
In the faith of confessors,
In the innocence of holy virgins,
In the deeds of righteous men.

I arise today, through
The strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
The splendor of fire,
The speed of lightning,
The swiftness of wind,
The depth of the sea,
The stability of the earth,
The firmness of rock.

I arise today, through
God’s strength to pilot me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and near.

I summon today
All these powers between me and those evils,
Against every cruel and merciless power
that may oppose my body and soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of pagandom,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge that corrupts man’s body and soul;
Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.

Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.

This is still another well-known blessing that is appropriate for any event; in addition, it is considerably simpler to recite than the one that refers to Saint Patrick’s breastplate.

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

Irish Friendship Blessings

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!

May God give you…
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

May the friendships you make,
Be those which endure,
And all of your grey clouds
Be small ones for sure.
And trusting in Him
To Whom we all pray,
May a song fill your heart,
Every step of the way.

May your home always be too small to hold all your friends.

Irish Blessings for the Home

May you always have walls for the winds,
a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire,
laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
and all your heart might desire.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore.

Bless you and yours
As well as the cottage you live in.
May the roof overhead be well thatched
And those inside be well matched.

May your neighbors respect you,
Trouble neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And heaven accept you.

Irish Blessings about Ireland

Hills as green as emeralds
Cover the countryside
Lakes as blue as sapphires-
And Ireland’s special pride
And rivers that shine like silver
Make Ireland look so fair-
But the friendliness of her people
Is the richest treasure there.

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you

May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend.

May luck be our companion
May friends stand by our side
May history remind us all
Of Ireland’s faith and pride.

Good Luck Irish Blessings

May the blessing of light be on you—
light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you
and warm your heart
till it glows like a great peat fire.

May your home be filled with laughter
May your pockets be filled with gold
And may you have all the happiness
Your Irish heart can hold.

May your blessings outnumber
The Shamrocks that grow
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.

May luck be a friend to ye,
And be with ye in all yer days,
And may trouble be to ye,
A stranger, always

May the lilt of Irish laughter lighten every load, may the mist of Irish magic shorten every road, may you taste the sweetest pleasures that fortune ere bestowed, and may all your friends remember all the favors you are owed

Long Life Irish Blessings

May you live as long as you want,
And never want as long as you live.

May you live to be a hundred years, with one extra year to repent.

May God grant you many years to live,
For sure He must be knowing
The earth has angels all too few
And heaven is overflowing.

Here’s to a long life and a merry one
A quick death and an easy one
A pretty girl and an honest one
A cold beer and another one!

Irish Blessings for Children

Lucky stars above you,
Sunshine on your way,
Many friends to love you,
Joy in work and play-
Laughter to outweigh each care,
In your heart a song-
And gladness waiting everywhere
All your whole life long!

May you have:
A world of wishes at your command.
God and his angels close to hand.
Friends and family their love impart,
and Irish blessings in your heart!

May God grant you always a sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you, faithful friends near you And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.

O Thou, to whom to love and be are one,
Hear my faith cry for them

Who are more thine than mine.
Give each of them what is best for each.
I cannot tell what it is.
But Thou knowest.
I only ask Thou love them and keep them
With the loving and keeping Thou didst
Show to Mary’s Son and Thine.


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Newgrange: Winter Solstice and Celtic Spirals

Among the passage tombs and megalithic structures that may be discovered at Bru Na Boinne, which is a holy site located in County Meath along the banks of the River Boyne, Newgrange is the most significant one. The monument is located on a small hill on a bend in the river approximately five miles inland from the ancient Norman city of Drogheda and a couple of miles upstream from the site of the Battle of the Boyne. Both of these locations are roughly the same distance from the mouth of the river.

Is it True that Newgrange Predates the Pyramids of Giza?

Yes. Since it was constructed circa 3,200 BC, Newgrange is older than the Great Pyramid of Giza and is also older than Stonehenge by around one thousand years. When we take into account that it was built during the Stone Age, when metal had not yet been found in Ireland, the building is an impressive accomplishment.

Who exactly constructed Newgrange remains a mystery to historians. There is no way that it was constructed by the Celts since the first known arrival of Celtic tribes to Ireland was not until about the year 500 B.C., some 2,700 years after the structure was constructed.

In the year 1699, the local landowner Charles Campbell gave instructions to his laborers to remove stones from the mound, and as a result, they found the entrance to the passage tomb while doing so.

Who was laid to rest at the Newgrange burial site?

It is stated that the Tuatha Dé Danann were the people that controlled Ireland back in ancient times. It is also said that they were the ones who constructed Newgrange as a burial site for their ruler, Dagda Mór, and his three sons. It is common practice to refer to one of his sons, whose name is Aonghus, as Aonghus of the Brugh.

Why was Newgrange built in the first place?

In spite of the fact that Newgrange was at one time thought of as a passage tomb, more recent research has shown that it was really a monument whose objective, which did involve the act of interring the dead, was far more important and widespread.

What kind of discoveries were made at Newgrange?

The majority of the bodies that were buried in those tombs had been cremated. Excavators working at Newgrange in the 1970s discovered the uncharred remains of a man, identified as NG10, is a niche inside the structure that was embellished with stones that had been intricately carved. DNA was successfully extracted by Cassidy and her co-authors from the petrous bone of NG10, which is a dense component of the inner ear.

Did Celts construct Newgrange?

When you take into account that it was built during the Stone Age, when metal wasn’t even known to exist in Ireland, you have an impressive accomplishment on your hands. About the people who erected Newgrange, little is known. There is no way that it was constructed by the Celts since the first evidence of Celtic tribes in Ireland does not appear until approximately 500 BC, which is some 2,700 years later!

Newgrange Contains a Decoration Based on a Celtic Spiral

The base of the mound is encircled by ninety-seven big rocks that are known as kerbstones. Many of these kerbstones are lavishly ornamented with sculptures that have been etched into the stones. Circles, spirals, arcs, chevrons, and lozenges are some of the more typical motifs that are employed. However, a broad variety of patterns are used. It is speculated that these recurring geometric patterns have some kind of symbolic meaning. Regardless of what significance these designs may have had in the past, they continue to serve as outstanding examples of Neolithic art in Ireland.


What was the Carving Technique Used at Newgrange?

The kerbstone that serves as Newgrange’s entry is the one that has the most elaborate ornamentation. The pattern is centered on a massive triple helix that is encircled by many smaller spirals as well as lozenges. The carvings, according to the opinions of the specialists, were created utilizing two distinct methods. In the beginning, a sharp stone or flint was used to carve out the groove in a crude fashion. The pattern was then refined using a pebble, which was used to make it deeper and smoother. This is how intricate patterns were cut into the stone using this method.

The sculptures at Newgrange served as inspiration for our extensive collection of handcrafted Celtic Spiral Wedding bands, which can be purchased on our website at

The winter landscape of sun shines through the branches of frozen trees against the surface of the frozen lake. Winter solstice.

Newgrange’s Celebration of the Winter Solstice

Professor Micheal O’Kelly, an archaeology professor at University College Cork, oversaw the excavation of Newgrange from 1962 to 1975. He was in charge of the project during its whole. 

Local residents would inform the professor in the early years of the dig that at some moments, even the deepest depths of the chamber would be illuminated by light from the rising sun. This was something that would happen at particular periods. 

A hunch led the professor to visit the chamber on the morning of the winter solstice, which occurred on December 21, 1967. He was astounded to see the dawn light begin to enter the passageway and travel inwards, “lighting up everything as it came until the whole chamber – side recesses, floor, and roof six meters above the floor – were all obviously illuminated.” 

At Newgrange, he was the first human to see the winter solstice since the site was first inhabited thousands of years ago.

The winter solstice heralded the beginning of a new year and represented fertility and rebirth for the people who constructed Newgrange. This event took place on the 21st of December. 

Not only was Newgrange used as a cemetery, but it was also an important ritual location for the people who lived in the vicinity.


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The Origins of the Term ‘Black Irish’

Occasionally, people may refer to people of Irish descent as “Black Irish.” But have you ever stopped to think about where it originates? The phrase “Black Irish” has been in use for hundreds of years, and several brands of Irish whiskey, including Mariah Carey’s Black Irish cream liqueur and Darker Still Spirits Company Black Irish Whiskey, have even named their product lines after the phrase. 

In spite of this, if you ask your coworker or your acquaintance what it means, they will most likely be at a loss for words. While it was most certainly used originally in a derogatory fashion, the term “Black Irish” is now considered a badge of honor. Just ask my black Irish husband, whose family name ironically, in Gaelic derives, from the word “dearg,” which means red.

What does the term black Irish mean?

The term “black Irish” refers to persons of Irish descent who are supposed to be descendants of the Spanish Armada, which sailed around the middle of the 15th century, and had dark hair and or eyes. The term is used among people of Irish descent and sometimes confuses people since it doesn’t refer to dark skin color.

Where Did the Term “Black Irish” Come From?

People of European descent in the United States came up with innovative methods to differentiate different ethnic European groupings and sub-groups from one another throughout times of significant immigration from Europe to the United States.

Because the vast majority of Irish people have light brown hair about 65 percent, and only 15 percent have black hair while the vast majority of Irish people have fair skin and either blue or green eyes. Classifying this subgroup with the term “black Irish” made it easy to differentiate them from other people of Irish descent.

This was a means of pointing out that black Irish people are different from the majority of people who have more traits that are more characteristically Irish, but funny enough, it should also be emphasized that the number of black Irish is more than the number of redheaded Irish.

Black Irish Celebrities and Public Figures

Here are a few examples of black Irish public figures and celebrities who are of Irish descent in Ireland. All of them have Irish heritage, and in the common parlance, all of them are referred to as being black Irish.

  • Colin Farrell
  • Enya
  • Paul Ryan
  • Lara Flynn Boyle
  • Peter Gallagher
  • Rob James Collier
  • Jennifer Connelly 
Interesting Stories, Ireland, Travel Ireland

Emblem of Royalty and Authenticity: THE IRISH WOLFHOUND

Since time immemorial, the Irish Wolfhound has been recognized as one of the most prestigious dog breeds that can be found on the Emerald Isle. In honor of National Dog Day, let’s take a look back at the evolution of one of the most popular pets. National Dog Day is recognized worldwide on August 26th annually. We celebrate all dogs and encourage adoption.

The Irish Wolfhound has a long and illustrious history, making it one of the most easily recognized symbols of Ireland. Since the time of the ancient high kings and continuing all the way up to the Irish military battalions of the First World War, the Wolfhound has been an enduring and trustworthy friend for the Irish people.

The Irish Wolfhound, an Ancient Species

The Irish Wolfhound is one of the breeds of dogs that have been around the longest. According to relics from the distant past, this specific breed of dog has been present in Ireland for at least 273BC, years before the common era. They were great for hunting huge animals like deer, boar, and even massive elk or stag because of their terrifyingly immense size, which descended from their wolf ancestors. These gorgeous canines were also terrifyingly enormous.

A Genuine Case of Blue Blood

The Old Irish elite preferred to keep Wolfhounds as pets because of the breed’s exceptional hunting abilities. In point of fact, according to Brehon Law, these majestic beasts could only be owned by Kings and Chieftans. The status also determined how many dogs a person was allowed to have in their household.

The Irish Wolfhound was also well-known for its use in battle. Warriors from ancient Celtic civilization were known to take their canine allies into combat with them. The enormous canines would demonstrate their superiority in combat by yanking soldiers off of horses and out of chariots. In point of fact, because of the exceptional fighting ability of the Wolfhound, they were so highly sought that wars were fought over them. It was also regarded as a badge of honor for ancient warriors to have the prefix “C,” which is the Gaelic word for the hound, added to the beginning of their name.

Is it true that Irish Wolfhounds are the largest dog breed in the world?

The Irish Wolfhound size is nothing short of remarkable. There is one breed of dog, the Irish Wolfhound, that almost always holds the record of being the longest dog in terms of its length. The most recent dog to get the title of the longest dog from GWR was an Irish Wolfhound called Farrell. He had a total length of 7 feet and 9 inches, which measured from the tip of his snout all the way to the tip of his tail.

Is an Irish Wolfhound a suitable choice for a family pet?

Because of their big size and powerful build, Irish Wolfhounds are sometimes referred to as “gentle giants,” and they may make wonderful companions if they are raised in the correct environment. However, because of these characteristics, the breed may not be suitable for everyone. Despite the fact that they seem to have a laid-back attitude, they need a lot of physical activity and area to move about in.

The Irish Wolfhound is not the breed for you if you are searching for a dog with a lengthy life expectancy. The Irish Wolfhound’s lifespan is anywhere between six and eight years, and his enormous size makes him more susceptible to a variety of health issues. Although an Irish Wolfhound’s size may be intimidating to a potential intruder, the breed is not well-suited for the role of a guard dog.

The Irish Wolfhound is a historic breed of sighthound dog that originates in Ireland. Due to its presence and significant size, the Irish Wolfhound has been the subject of several works of literature, poetry, and folklore. The towering statue of the Irish wolfhound is one of the breed’s most distinguishing features. The Irish Wolfhound is a type of dog that may grow to be as large as a miniature pony and is considered to be one of the tallest breeds in the world.

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The Irish Flag Meaning and History

Perhaps one of the best-known symbols of Ireland is the Irish flag. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why the flag of the Republic of Ireland is called the tricolorThe Irish flag consists of three different colors. The flag is a rectangle with three broad vertical stripes in the colors green, white, and orange.

Whenever the flag is flown, it is always flown such that the green stripe is closest to the flagpole. Each band is required to be of the same proportions, and the overall size of the Irish flag should be proportionately double its height. There is no question that each of the three colors on the Irish flag represents something significant.

Meaning of the Irish Flag Colors

What do the different colors on the Irish flag represent and what do they stand for? This is perhaps the topic that comes up the most frequently when people ask us about the Irish flag.

The color green is associated with Roman Catholics. On Saint Patrick’s Day, did you happen to notice how many people were wearing emerald or shamrock green? Orange is the color associated with Irish Presbyterians. Because of their allegiance to the protestant William of Orange, King William III of England, they are popularly referred to as “Orangemen,”, particularly on the Northern Irish side of the border. This moniker originated in Northern Ireland. The yearning for unity and peace between the two communities is represented by the single white stripe in the center of the flag. During this time when the Irish tricolor was first flown, the country was deeply divided between Catholics and Protestants.

A Wee Bit O Irish Flag History

The history of the flag that represents Ireland is a fascinating one. The present version of the Irish tricolor was conceived of and created by a collective of French ladies who were sympathetic to the Irish struggle.

They gave Thomas Francis Meagher, who was the head of the political Irish Nationalist Movement at the time, the tricolor in the year 1848. Meagher was the face of the movement at the time.  When he was presented with the flag, he is reputed to have made the following statement: “The white in the center signifies a lasting truce between Orange and Green and I trust that beneath its folds the hands of Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics may be clasped in generous and heroic brotherhood.”

When Meagher hoisted the tricolor in Waterford, it proudly fluttered for eight days and nights until it was brought down by the British. Meagher was responsible for hanging the flag.

The uprisings that occurred across Europe in 1848 served as an inspiration for Meagher and the other members of the Young Irelanders. In April of 1848, a group of them went to France to offer their congratulations to the revolutionaries there on the successful toppling of King Louis Philippe I. There, Meagher was given a tricolor Irish flag that had been fashioned out of French silk as a gift.

The Irish Flag did not appear in Dublin until Gearóid O’Sullivan raised the tricolor for the first time at Dublin’s General Post Office in 1916, during the Easter Rebellion. Prior to that, the flag had not been flown there since 1848.

It encapsulated the spirit of the revolutionary cause, and from that point on, the tricolor was considered to be the flag of the Republic of Ireland or Sinn Féin. Even though the flag of Ireland was flown proudly across the land from that point forward, it wasn’t until 1937 that it was given constitutional recognition as Ireland’s official national flag.

The official name for the flag that flies over Ireland.

Bratach na hÉireann is the Irish term for the tricolor flag and ensign, “bratach” being the Irish word for flag. This name was given to the flag and ensign by the Irish.

What does it mean when you see the Irish flag?

The following is the simple and clear interpretation of the Irish flag color meaning:

  • Green: Roman Catholics are represented by the color green.
  • White: The color white stands for the harmony and concord that both of these parties are hoping to achieve.
  • Orange: Orange is the color that signifies the Irish Protestants.


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